Demented Computer

Wellness Mental Health Presentations

Greetings!  Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey.  It seems that interest was equally distributed between possible topics, so we will be combining all options within our three presentations.  Presentations will welcome questions and discussion.

Please note the following schedule for our mental health trainings:
All trainings will be held on Wednesdays from 2-3pm and will be held at the following zoom address below.
All presentations will be recorded.

Meeting ID: 864 0649 9873
Passcode: 856098



Feb. 24:  Recognizing and Effectively Responding to Students in Distress

We will review signs of student distress, the language we can use to approach these students, and effective ways to connect students to appropriate support services.

March 3:  What Happened to You?  

Students who have experienced trauma often present with perplexing patterns of behavior, including having trouble regulating emotions, problematic relationship patterns (including with professors), hyper-sensitivity, executive functioning issues, and more.  It is helpful to consider these students with a mindset of “What happened to you” rather than “What is wrong with you?!”



“Getting to Calm” was held on February 17.

Many of our students experience chronic anxiety, racing thoughts, insomnia, and panic.   Learn practical and accessible tools to teach your students how to calm their mind and body.  A  link to the recording will be available on the Remote Delivery Resources site soon!

Here are some resources shared at this workshop (a shared Dropbox folder):

By Gillian Galle

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