How Do I See My New Advisees?

It’s the start of a new semester and you know what that means: You may have gotten some new advisees!

…but how do you know? There are a few ways you can stay informed on whether you gained new advisees and who they are.

  • Receive an Email Alert from Aviso: This is your best option for staying on top of when you get assigned new advisees! In your Aviso account settings (Click on the picture of your face in the top right corner then select the “Settings” option from the drop down menu), you get to control many of the notifications you receive from Aviso and one of the options is to be notified “When I become a Student’s Advisor/Coach”
    List of Notification Settings for Aviso Events
    And voila! Now anytime a student is added to your caseload, you will receive an email to your Castleton indicating you’ve been assigned new advisees!
  • Filter Your Advisee List: On the Students page, make sure “Caseload” is highlighted in the leftmost column then click on the Funnel icon just above the list of students (your assigned advisees):
    Image of Filter Icon on Aviso Students page

    This opens a Temporary Filter menu:
    Image of Temporary Filter on Aviso Students page

    Make sure that “Caseload” is still elected then scroll down…. and down… and down a little more until you reach the options for “Registration Terms Include” and “Registration Terms Exclude”:
    Image of Aviso Temporary Filter Options for Registration Term(s)
    Ready? Time for some logic! (Which is an area of study in Mathematics, but if it makes you less anxious you can think of this as Philosophy instead…)
    • For any brand new to you students this semester: You might choose Registration Terms Include: this semester and Registration Terms Exclude: last semester and the one before it. Example: For the Spring 2022 semester you might choose to Registration Terms Include: Spring 2022 and Registration Terms Exclude: Fall 2021 and Spring 2021.
    • What if I’m trying to figure out which students are mine that were in CNX1 the previous semester? For the Spring 2022 semester you might choose Registration Terms Include: Spring 2022 and Fall 2021 and Registration Terms Exclude: Spring 2021 and Fall 2020.

      Once you’ve made your selections for inclusion and exclusion click on the blue “Apply” button and the students that remain listed from your Caseload are those that meet the restrictions you applied with the filter.

      Note: This method is not completely foolproof. There is the potential for a fringe case or two, such as one where some of your advisees might have been on an Academic Leave and that will impact whether or not they show up in your filtered list.
  • “Just Know”: Arguably the least helpful of all these tips, but if you are lucky enough to have a small enough advisee population that you work pretty closely with, when you open your Caseload in Aviso and scroll through the names the unfamiliar ones stand out pretty clearly.
By Gillian Galle

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