Stop in to the library to see a new exhibit of books on the theme of nurturing your interests while here at Castleton. You can learn about anything here at the library, including any interests or concerns you already have, or ones that develop while you’re here at Castleton.
You can also work on personal growth while here and come to better understand your mind or personality or any mental health or personal challenges you face. We have lots of books on topics like mindfulness, gender identity, procrastination, and more.
What parts of *YOU* will you develop while you’re here? What floats your boat? In other words, what piques your interest? What buds of a career or hobby are there in you? You can also peruse the books in this display online. If you have an interest that you’d like to explore that isn’t represented in this display, you can check the library catalog for books, or ask a librarian for help finding information.
Also, please understand that the books pulled out to display are there for the purpose of letting you know they exist and are ready to be checked out. Please check one out if it floats your boat!