Cover page of the Deloitte Report on the Hybrid Campus

Have You Seen….?

I know there’s been a lot going on with the Transformation work and one of the biggest thorns that seems to arise again and again is this concept of the “hybrid university.” What on earth does it mean? Where did it come from?

Well, I’m going to answer your question with a question because I’m wondering:

Have you seen… The Deloitte Report?

It’s a 20 page report about “the hybrid campus” and provides their perspective on three major shifts that post-COVID universities are going to be faced with. I know your down time is valuable, but if you want to be able to make cogent arguments against some of the proposed changes it might be worth taking the time to read through the report to ensure you’re using the language the same way the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor’s office are.

By Gillian Galle

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