Decorative Exemplar of Classroom Tech

Classroom Technology UPDATE: Fall 2021

Welcome back!

If you have been teaching remotely for the past year, and if you haven’t been keeping up with email, you may be surprised by the current state of the technology in your classroom.

If you connected with emails on this in July, there are no updates. If not, here are the updates from this summer:

About 40 classrooms were updated to a(n exciting) new system. However, it being a pandemic, and the supply chain being disrupted, those classrooms have not been completely upgraded to where they will be in the next few months. Your classroom is probably one of them.

You can check the list of classrooms to see what exactly is currently in your classroom.

Here is a detailed explanation of the changes in the classroom. The summary: You will need to learn how to turn everything on in a new way without a touch panel. Most of you you can’t use VHS anymore and you will need to use the computer for Blue Ray and showing videos from the web. Your classroom may not have a document camera or an HDMI cable to hook in your laptop; if it doesn’t, you can contact Sarah Chambers and she will probably be able to get one for you. You won’t be able to send sound from your laptop.

The upgraded classrooms have a new system you will need to learn to use. Here is a page with videos about how to use the new system.

You can download a written explanation of how to use the upgraded system (a copy has been placed in the classroom as well).

If you are assigned to one of our teleconference rooms (LV 202 and the Library Classroom) and you intend to use the teleconference abilities, then you will need special training. Hopefully you have been in contact with Sarah, but if not then please contact her immediately.

Please be patient and bear with these changes. The upgrade is TRULY an upgrade, but we are in the middle of the process and will apprise you of the progress throughout the fall.

By Chris Boettcher

Chris Boettcher, is the inaugural Director of the Castleton Center for Teaching and Learning and Professor of English.

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