Using OneDrive

OneDrive is a resource available to us in the VSC as a result of a contract with Microsoft.

You can use OneDrive  as a place to safely store your files.  You can keep them private or share individual files/folders with students or colleagues. (Just like a Dropbox account would.) You can also access the files from home, office, classroom and have them synchronize automatically.

You will definitely want to use OneDrive if you are creating large videos for your course.  You will also need to teach your students how to use it (if they are not using it already) should they need to submit large files, such as recorded speeches for a seaking-intensive course.  Each one of us has up to a terabyte of data storage available to us.

The IT Services offices has compiled some very helpful blog posts on using OneDrive. Start by learning  How to Access OneDrive

Another page on Linking a page from your OneDrive into a discussion forum  walks you through how to upload a file into your course.  The same principles apply with pages or other places on Canvas where you use the “rich text editor”.

If you are unaware of it, you (and your students) have a variety of software available from Microsoft, the whole office suite. You can download versions for your desktop.  Start on the Portal and link to “eAcademy Webstore” in the right column menu.  You can use the suite online, as well.  It’s in the same place where you find OneDrive.  From the portal, go to the Outlook email page.  Look for the cube of tiny boxes in the top left-hand corner (as when you go to OneDrive).  All of the software will be visible when you click on it.