Accessing OneDrive

What is Onedrive

OneDrive is a file hosting service that is available for current students, faculty, staff, and administration. It is similar to DropBox and Google Drive but has the ability to share documents and data with anyone within the VSC.

Accessing OneDrive

Sign in to your Castleton email using the link on the Portal landing page or through the Castleton Resources page. Link to CU E-Mail

To access your OneDrive (and other Office 365 tools), click the nine dots in the top left of the screen, and select OneDrive

OneDrive Location Top left of CU Email


Using Your Onedrive

Select New -> Folder. You can select the folder and then the “Share” button at the top of the screen, or select “Private” in the sharing column. From here, you can add users by typing their last name, comma, first name (I.e Corriere, Matthew to find me), or by entering their username. Once you select Share it will save every file within this folder.

OneDrive is similar to other online file storage products. Clicking New – folder will allow you to setup folders in your OneDrive, allowing you to organize you documents.

Upload will allow you to share information to your OneDrive including Word files, videos, and audio files.

You can share documents by clicking on the share settings for each folder. Folders that are not shared will say “Private” while folders you do share will say “Shared.”

New and Upload buttons location

Accessing resources shared with you

From the main OneDrive landing page you should see a link on the left hand side that says “Shared”. This link will bring you to files that someone in the VSC has shared with you.

OneDrive Shared with me location

Additional resources and overview from Microsoft

Here is Microsoft’s link outlining the above OneDrive skills.

Link to Microsoft’s website


  • Our instance of Office365 does not allow anyone to share files outside of the VSC. You can only share files and folders with anyone that has a VSC email account.
  • Each user has 1TB of storage in their OneDrive. This equates to roughly 400 hours of HD video.
  • If you would like to setup the OneDrive application that comes in the Microsoft Office suite of programs on your Mac or PC, then you will need to sign in using [for example] when it asks for your email. It should forward you to the VSC Authentication Portal where you sign in with only your username and password.


Any other questions please open a Service Desk ticket at: Link to ServiceDesk .
