Over the past year, we have been busy designing various elements of our new approach to information literacy (see our Information Literacy & Library Instruction Guide for details), including developing and piloting 3 new scaffolded instruction sessions. We will spend the summer refining the piloted sessions, and hope to be able to share lesson plans with faculty by Fall.
We are excited to offer faculty a key element of the Information Literacy Topic Instruction and Support component of our new program:
Information Literacy Activities
Our new Integrative Model for Information Literacy guide provides more than 30 activities covering information literacy topics – activities have been curated or developed by Castleton librarians. These activities are a supplement to our reference and instruction services and are meant to be incorporated into courses – they can be delivered by a librarian or by the instructor. The guide and activities are organized around the 6 Threshold Concepts from the ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and the 13 topics we have mapped to the Framework. We will add additional activities as they are developed.
We encourage faculty to contact one of our librarians about how our new approach can better support their courses and our students.