Archives for June 2020

“Curbside” pick-up now available. Good news for book lovers!

Good news for book lovers, especially for those of you who prefer reading in print: the library is now prepared for “curbside” lending!  This means you can request to pick up items from our collection that are available to be checked out.

You can identify items you would like to check out in our online catalog and follow these steps to place a hold on those items.  We will be in touch to confirm that the item(s) are available and the date and time of your pick-up.  Pick-up will be at the loading dock area behind the library, so you can drive right up.  We can place the item(s) directly in your car if you’d like.

Student, faculty, staff, and guest borrowers who already have a guest borrower card are in our system and we will look you up to check out the items to you.  Community members who don’t already have a guest borrower card, can contact us at or (802) 468-1256 to become a guest borrower.

Students, faculty, and staff who would like to borrow an item we don’t have in our collection can fill out this form to make an interlibrary loan request.

What we ask of you:

  • Please refrain from curbside services if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of respiratory illness.
  • Masks must be worn during face-to-face delivery/return of items.

Books can be returned to our outdoor book return bin in front of the library.

The library building is still closed to the public but we are working on re-opening in mid-August.

If you have any questions please email or call the circulation desk at (802) 468-1256.

Race Matters: Resources for Anti-Racism Education

Your library staff strives continuously to provide the campus community with resources to support anti-racism work and learning.  Resources are compiled and updated on the Race Matters: A Castleton Dialogue guide.

If you haven’t read it yet, see Interim Castleton University President Jonathan Spiro’s recent statement responding to recent police violence against Black Americans.

See books in the CU library on racism, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system.

On the Race Matters guide, there is an opportunity to suggest additional resources.

In the Castleton University Reads group on, you can recommend and discuss anti-racist books.


Join Castleton University Reads on Goodreads

Maybe you miss inspiring conversations on campus, or maybe you would like to keep reading and thinking during the summer, along with others.  Maybe you’d like a little more motivation to get to books you’ve been meaning to read.  Well, one possible solution is to join a group of fellow Spartans in a discussion group on  You can click the link below, join Goodreads and join the group, and add to discussion topics already started, or start new topics of your own.

Join the Castleton University Reads group
for faculty, staff, and students

About Goodreads
It’s useful for keeping lists of books you’ve read or want to read, learning about books, and connecting with other readers. It’s free to use.  Advertising is minimal. You can use the website or the app.

iOS app
Google Play app

In the app, click on More in the bottom right corner, click on Groups, then search for Castleton University Reads.

To access the group after you’ve joined
On the website, click on Community at the top, then Groups. In the app, click on More (bottom right), then Groups.

Please consider joining!  It’s a way to maintain connection to our Castleton community, and to encourage each other in our reading and thinking.

Sample discussion topics:

  • What are you reading now, how is it, and how did you decide to read it?
  • What are some of your favorite books ever?
  • For faculty and staff: What books are you reading this summer for professional development?
  • Is there a book you could point to as influential for you, that changed you in some way?

About privacy on Goodreads
You don’t have to designate any Goodreads friends or be active on Goodreads in any other way to be in the Castleton University Reads group.  You can edit your Goodreads profile so the books in your lists, if you make any lists, are only visible to your Goodreads friends.  About privacy on

To check or change your settings, click on the little circle icon for you/your account in the far right of the top menu bar.  Choose profile, then edit profile.  You can choose to have your last name hidden to anyone but your Goodreads friends, like this:

Also in “edit profile,” under Settings, you can choose who can see your profile, like this: