April Fool’s? April Facts!

Various memes have been flying around this week, as April Fool’s Day came and went, and some of them have meaning for libraries and the critical consumption-of-information habits we try to instill.  The gist of many is: Isn’t it funny that for this one day people don’t believe everything they read?  Here’s one:

April 1 isn’t the only day we in the information literacy field poke fun at people’s reluctance to be active, critical users of information.  This one isn’t particular to April Fool’s Day:

And, did you know April 2 is International Fact-Checking Day?  Don’t take our word for it, check out the International Fact-Checking Network’s page:  International Fact-Checking Day or the Poynter Institute’s newsletter post about it, with activities and fun facts 😉 .  If you forgot to celebrate on April 2, don’t worry, you can appreciate and seek facts every day!  For fun and enlightenment, here’s a fact-checking quiz you can take.

Just in case you clicked on the April Fool’s link hoping for some humor, here’s a whole bunch of library-related April Fool’s fun:

April Foolswatch: Our favorite pranks and hoaxes
from the American Library Association

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