The library is celebrating Black History Month this year with a book display on the theme of
Black Stories Matter
The books selected for the display in the library include recent popular and award-winning novels by Black authors, recent popular and award-winning books on the Black experience, like memoirs, books on important or previously neglected figures in Black history and culture, and books informing anti-racism work and education. Please come take a look and check out one of these books and learn from our most celebrated Black authors.
The books in this exhibit represent just a sampling of books we have on these topics in the library. To find more, consult our catalog. Also see a sampling of ebooks on anti-racism education in our EBSCO ebook collection. You can also access a wealth of additional resources on the library’s Race Matters guide, including reading lists and syllabi.
Eliminating racism in our society is the work of all of us. One way to get involved is to educate yourself. Reading is a way to educate yourself without asking people of color to do extra work.
If you are new to learning about racism and white supremacy in the U.S., library staff recommend So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.
An important book on the history of racist ideas in America is Stamped From the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi. There is an abridged version of the book available, and a version for young readers.
We hope all of you Spartans have an educational Black History Month this year!