This year the Vermont Online Library added a new database, Books & Authors, now available to the CU community. You can access it through our list of research databases (or through the link above).
Books & Authors helps you explore both fiction and non-fiction. It’s based on Gale’s award-winning What Do I Read Next? collection, but enhanced and updated. According to a review in Library Journal, “It combines the expert recommendations of nearly two dozen subject specialists with the community-building ethos of the Internet to guide readers to the next step beyond the authors, titles, and genres they already know and love.”
You can browse award-winners, expert picks and librarian’s favorites. Put in the title of a favorite book and get recommendations of books like it. Browse by genre, or search by subject, location, and historical period at once.
It is somewhat like GoodReads, but ad-free, and with proprietary content not available on the free internet.
Find your next read in Books & Authors, then check the CU library catalog to find our copy. If we don’t own a copy, you can suggest we buy one and/or request it through interlibrary loan.
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