Check out the new book display in the library created by our intern from the Upward Bound program. Fair Haven High School senior Yvonne Swinington, who also attends the Stafford Video Communication program, worked with librarian Charlotte Gerstein for half of her internship. The other half was with the Castleton Free Library. While here in the CU library Yvonne created a display of books which have been made into movies or TV shows which she cleverly named “Watch What You Read.” See a list of the books in the display, which includes recent books and productions like Crazy Rich Asians and The Hate U Give, as well as classics like To Kill a Mockingbird and Gone with the Wind. She also created a display of cult classic films on DVD. Yvonne is interested in a career in film directing so maybe in a few years we’ll be including one of her films in our displays! In the meantime, we are grateful that Yvonne brought her interest in film to share with us here in the library.
Yvonne’s sign: