You just got done with your 9am, don’t have class again for another hour, and all that is on your mind is food. Huden here you come for breakfast. By the time you’re done eating, you only have another 20 minutes until class, which is all the way in Leavenworth, so you think, eh, I will just hang here until class.
Well, now it is 11:50, and your next class is at 2pm. You need a nap, your bed, and maybe some Netflix. They all sound real good right now. So, of course, that is what you do for the next few hours.
After your 2:00-3:50 class, you’ll go straight to the library.
It is now 4, and you have 100 texts from your roommate asking you to go to Rutland with her real quick. In your head, you’re like OMG yes, then wait, library. Then you decide okay, I will to go to the library right when I get back.
After Rutland, you need some dinner, so meal exchange at Fireside sounds good for the night. But it is now 7pm.
Your night ends with you going back to your room because it is so late, and getting just a little work done in bed. Then, of course, Netflix and social media will take over once again.
Sound all too familiar? Here are some tips to get things done.
1.) Make a Schedule: At the beginning of each day, make a schedule of your whole day, hour by hour. This will give you a plan to follow so you won’t need to make a last-minute decision you’ll regret later.
2.) Bring Everything: Bringing everything you need to work on or study allows you to be productive during those 20 extra minutes you hang out in Huden. Tell yourself what you are realistically going to get done in the time you have, even if it is something small.
3.) Eat and Study: Go grab breakfast, lunch, or dinner in Fireside or the Coffee Cottage and bring it to the library. Work and eat at the same time. After your 9am, you’ll have almost an hour to get work done or study.
4.) Say NO: It is okay to say no to your roommate and Rutland. You had a plan and you ignored it. And definitely regretted it.
Once you make your plan, follow it. You always have the right intentions; just make sure your actions reflect them.
-Alyson Tully
Alyson Tully graduated from Castleton University in May 2018 with a degree in multidisciplinary studies.