Tag: ASC

Get a Tutor: From Now to Exam Week!
Important Schedules, Opportunities/Your Future

Get a Tutor: From Now to Exam Week!

It hardly seems possible, but Spring 2024 is drawing to a close. As you prepare for final exams and the end of the semester, know that Academic Support is here for you! Need help registering for summer or fall classes? Want to chat about studying for exams?  Stressing about a big paper?  We offer walk-in Math and Writing Tutoring. You don’t need an appointment: simply drop by our office in Babcock Hall during Drop-in hours to speak with the tutor on duty. Need help in a particular class? We also offer course-specific tutoring. If you’d like a tutor for any Castleton class, you can submit our Tutor Request Form. Once we receive it, someone will be in touch to discuss your next steps.  **Tutoring Hours** Drop-in Math  Days: Monday-Friday ...
Career Development and Academic Support Announce a New Partnership!
Opportunities/Your Future

Career Development and Academic Support Announce a New Partnership!

From Résumés to the Interview to the Offer: Career Development and Academic Support Announce a New Partnership! Academic Support and Career Development are thrilled to announce a new partnership! While we’ve always worked together, we’re collaborating in new ways to best serve students at VTSU-Castleton.  Need help with a résumé or cover letter? Get in touch with Doe Dahm at Academic Support. She can also help with all stages of the graduate school application process from identifying programs to understanding financial aid to writing the personal statement. Not sure if graduate school is right for you or right for you now? No problem—Doe is always happy to chat about your interests and help you explore opti...
Welcome to Success: Visit the Academic Support Center!
Opportunities/Your Future

Welcome to Success: Visit the Academic Support Center!

Welcome back! Here at the Academic Support Center, we hope you’ll visit us this semester. Of course, we always love seeing new faces (and familiar ones), but we also want to see you succeed. And since 30% of our frequent fliers make the Dean’s or President’s List, chances are excellent we can help you achieve your goals as well.  To help you succeed, we offer tutoring in math, writing, and most Castleton courses the schedules of which can be accessed here. And our full-time counselors can answer your questions about all aspects of college life from classes and majors to disability accommodation and financial aid to graduate school and career preparation. In addition, we offer a friendly study space with computers, a printer, comfy chairs, and, if you’re lucky, snacks. Best...