Make Voting Day Class Free!
Announcements & Events, Diversity/Inclusion

Make Voting Day Class Free!

The VTSU NAACP at Castleton are petitioning the school to make Voting Day class free for the rest of VTSU. Instead of classes the day will be used to help students, faculty, and staff get registered and to the polls to cast their vote. The NAACP is a nonpartisan group, so they will not influence your vote, but believe everyone deserves the necessary support and accessibility to do so. If you support having Voting Day class free, please use the link below to sign the NAACP's petition: The Petition *Photo credit: graphicexpand on vecteezy.com
NAACP Chapter!
Clubs, Clubs & Activities!, Diversity/Inclusion, Friday & Beyond

NAACP Chapter!

Greetings from your NAACP family! NAACP logo The NAACP meets Tuesdays at 6:15pm in the Campus Center Formal Lounge! As a club, we run under the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. This organization works to achieve equality, political rights, and social inclusion. Our club has decided to focus on education and outreach within our campus community and beyond as well as policy reform through the VTSU transition. We spend time celebrating culture and marginalized communities. We host a few events each semester and have weekly meetings. If you're passionate about social justice, want to make new friends, or are interested in joining a national movement, this is the club for you!  All are welcome! ​ NAACP Chapter Leadership Email: NAACPchapter@...