VTSU Castleton Students!!
Are you going into a helping field? Do your friends frequently go to you for help?? Are you looking to grow your knowledge on how to help others through difficult times?
If you answered yes to any of these questions:
Consider signing up for the Student Support Network!
The Student Support Network (SSN) will teach you skills which will help you to:
be a better friend
be a better listener
become more marketable to future employers
be prepared for leadership positions
and better understand mental health!
We are offering Student Support Network on Thursdays from 12:15 -1:15pm. The training will start on March 21st and will continue for six weeks (skipping April break week). After the training, there will be no obligations, but you will receive a free sweatshirt and a certificate!
I’m interested, what next?
If you’d like to be included in the upcoming Student Support Network training series, please fill out our application which is attached, circle the day that works for you, and send an email to studentsupportnetwork@castleton.edu with the completed application. You can also bring your application to the Wellness Center. Once we have received your application, we will reach out and schedule a brief meeting with you!
We hope to hear from you!
*Featured Image: Student Support Network Logo