Tag: student success

Not sure about your major? Try Social Work!
Opportunities/Your Future

Not sure about your major? Try Social Work!

Do you have a desire to make the world a just and equitable place? Do you want to help individuals, families, and communities address social and mental health issues? Social work may be the major and profession for you! Social work is a helping profession. The VTSU Social Work Program at Castleton will help you learn the knowledge, skills, values and ethical practice standards for beginning-level, generalist professional social work practice. The VTSU social work program includes classroom and field experiences that frequently lead to immediate employment upon graduation or even before! Our graduates are employed in a wide range and variety of agencies and organizations which serve many different people with many different needs. For example, Vermont State University...
Get a Tutor: From Now to Exam Week!
Important Schedules, Opportunities/Your Future

Get a Tutor: From Now to Exam Week!

It hardly seems possible, but Spring 2024 is drawing to a close. As you prepare for final exams and the end of the semester, know that Academic Support is here for you! Need help registering for summer or fall classes? Want to chat about studying for exams?  Stressing about a big paper?  We offer walk-in Math and Writing Tutoring. You don’t need an appointment: simply drop by our office in Babcock Hall during Drop-in hours to speak with the tutor on duty. Need help in a particular class? We also offer course-specific tutoring. If you’d like a tutor for any Castleton class, you can submit our Tutor Request Form. Once we receive it, someone will be in touch to discuss your next steps.  **Tutoring Hours** Drop-in Math  Days: Monday-Friday ...
IMMEDIATE HIRING!! College Steps Peer Mentors Wanted!!!
Opportunities/Your Future

IMMEDIATE HIRING!! College Steps Peer Mentors Wanted!!!

***Peer Tutors Wanted for Fall 2024 Semester!!*** APPLY TODAY!! Give Back & Get Paid! Be a Peer Mentor! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR CASTLETON STUDENTS: Paid positions available with College Steps! Castleton students can be employed as Peer Mentors working on campus to support the success of fellow students who are living with social or learning challenges. BENEFITS OF BECOMING A PEER MENTOR: Flexible hours built around the times that you have available on campus Consistent weekly schedule in a positive work environmentProfessional Training and Experience to build your résumé Become a part of our great Peer Mentor Team! NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS AT THIS LINK! For more information, contact Patricia Moore at patty@collegesteps.org ...
Join the Student Support Network!
Clubs, Clubs & Activities!, Opportunities/Your Future, Thursday

Join the Student Support Network!

VTSU Castleton Students!! Are you going into a helping field? Do your friends frequently go to you for help?? Are you looking to grow your knowledge on how to help others through difficult times? If you answered yes to any of these questions: Consider signing up for the Student Support Network! The Student Support Network (SSN) will teach you skills which will help you to:  be a better friend be a better listener become more marketable to future employers be prepared for leadership positions and better understand mental health! We are offering Student Support Network on Thursdays from 12:15 -1:15pm. The training will start on March 21st and will continue for six weeks (skipping April break week). After the training, there will be no obliga...
Welcome from the Wellness Center!
Important Schedules, Wellness

Welcome from the Wellness Center!

Greetings Castleton Students!   Everyone is Welcome Here! We are so excited to welcome new students to VTSU Castleton and to welcome back returning students!  The Wellness Center is open to all students this semester and we look forward to seeing you. The Wellness Center is located on the second floor of the Campus Center and is open for meeting with students Monday through Friday. We want to remind you that the Castleton Wellness Center provides nursing and counseling services to all students at no cost.   Students do not need an appointment to see one of our nurses.  The schedule for our nurses is here:   Monday: Open | 10 am Closed | 2 pm Tuesday: Open | 11 am Closed | 3 pm Wednesday: Open | 9 am ...
Welcome to Success: Visit the Academic Support Center!
Opportunities/Your Future

Welcome to Success: Visit the Academic Support Center!

Welcome back! Here at the Academic Support Center, we hope you’ll visit us this semester. Of course, we always love seeing new faces (and familiar ones), but we also want to see you succeed. And since 30% of our frequent fliers make the Dean’s or President’s List, chances are excellent we can help you achieve your goals as well.  To help you succeed, we offer tutoring in math, writing, and most Castleton courses the schedules of which can be accessed here. And our full-time counselors can answer your questions about all aspects of college life from classes and majors to disability accommodation and financial aid to graduate school and career preparation. In addition, we offer a friendly study space with computers, a printer, comfy chairs, and, if you’re lucky, snacks. Best...
Are you looking for a job on campus?
Opportunities/Your Future

Are you looking for a job on campus?

Are you looking for a job on campus? Do you have work study funding and want to explore opportunities on and off campus? There are many on campus jobs available across Vermont State for you! Jobs include mentoring, lifeguarding, research, library services, food service, career development, athletics, field work, atmospheric science, and many more!  Explore our listings across Vermont State University and apply today! How do I apply? Click the button below and review job postings. Click on the blue ‘Apply Now’ at the top right Complete the application  VTSU Student Job Board  Quick Tips The email listed in your application will be the email the employment contract is sent to. Make sure you are checking this email address.  ...
Tutor.com: Ready to Chat!
Important Schedules, Opportunities/Your Future

Tutor.com: Ready to Chat!

Here at Academic Support, we’re proud of our partnership with Tutor.com. Without replacing our in-person tutoring services, it allows us to help students when they need assistance. And while some people fear that Tutor.com offers an impersonal service, the new Talk Function will ensure that students can speak directly to their tutor.  To access Tutor.com for free, click on the Tutor.com link on the left side of your course’s Canvas page. To use the Talk function, select Chat with Voice on the page titled Connect with a Tutor Now. Of course, we also recognize the value of one-on-one assistance. That’s why we continue to offer in-person tutoring through our Math and Writing Drop-In services as well as tutors for most VTSU classes. Students can also meet with Doe Dahm, our Wr...
JOIN PAC: Victim Advocacy Training!
Clubs, Clubs & Activities!, Diversity/Inclusion

JOIN PAC: Victim Advocacy Training!

Interested in being a member of PAC? The Peer Advocates for CHANGE group includes student victim advocates who attend training to respond 24/7 to students in need of support for situations of stalking, relationship violence, sexual assault and/or harassment.  (Not all who attend training end up staffing the phone.  Don’t panic if you are hesitant to be a PACline crisis worker.)  This training is a great opportunity to enhance your skills regarding advocacy as well as learn about rape culture, rape myths, dating violence, power and control, and learn about the resources on campus and in the community.  It is especially complimentary to the following majors:  criminal justice, social work, nursing, psychology, sociology, community health/health promot...