Tag: Announcements

Are you looking for a job on campus?
Opportunities/Your Future

Are you looking for a job on campus?

Are you looking for a job on campus? Do you have work study funding and want to explore opportunities on and off campus? There are many on campus jobs available across Vermont State for you! Jobs include mentoring, lifeguarding, research, library services, food service, career development, athletics, field work, atmospheric science, and many more!  Explore our listings across Vermont State University and apply today! How do I apply? Click the button below and review job postings. Click on the blue ‘Apply Now’ at the top right Complete the application  VTSU Student Job Board  Quick Tips The email listed in your application will be the email the employment contract is sent to. Make sure you are checking this email address.  ...
JOIN PAC: Victim Advocacy Training!
Clubs, Clubs & Activities!, Diversity/Inclusion

JOIN PAC: Victim Advocacy Training!

Interested in being a member of PAC? The Peer Advocates for CHANGE group includes student victim advocates who attend training to respond 24/7 to students in need of support for situations of stalking, relationship violence, sexual assault and/or harassment.  (Not all who attend training end up staffing the phone.  Don’t panic if you are hesitant to be a PACline crisis worker.)  This training is a great opportunity to enhance your skills regarding advocacy as well as learn about rape culture, rape myths, dating violence, power and control, and learn about the resources on campus and in the community.  It is especially complimentary to the following majors:  criminal justice, social work, nursing, psychology, sociology, community health/health promot...